364 Kaolin Street, Broken Hill
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364 Kaolin Street
This 3 bedroom property has been freshly renovated with modern features throughout. The property includes evaporative cooling as well as ceiling fans and split system in the living area with electric cooking and hot water system.
Featuring large kitchen and bathroom spaces with floor boards and fresh white walls throughout.
Tidy front and backyard with rear lane access for vehicles.
This property is currently renting at $380.00 per week.

DISCLAIMER: First National Broken Hil... Read more
This 3 bedroom property has been freshly renovated with modern features throughout. The property includes evaporative cooling as well as ceiling fans and split system in the living area with electric cooking and hot water system.
Featuring large kitchen and bathroom spaces with floor boards and fresh white walls throughout.
Tidy front and backyard with rear lane access for vehicles.
This property is currently renting at $380.00 per week.

DISCLAIMER: First National Broken Hill has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information contained in this advertisement is true and correct but advises it is not based on any independent enquiries. The agency accepts no responsibility and disclaims all liability with respect to any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or misstatements contained. Prospective tenants should make their own enquiries and form their own judgement as to these matters.
Broken Hill
Broken Hill is referred to as "The Silver City", and is considered the "Capital of the Outback". This thriving community offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. The housing options cater to various preferences, and the educational institutions uphold high standards. With its rich heritage and modern amenities, Broken Hill provides a fulfilling lifestyle for residents of all ages. Embrace the warmth of this town and be a part of its ever-evolving narrative....